
Careers Challenging the world with Young Toys

Company Life

  • Hobby Support
    : Support of in-house club
    activitiesfor employees' sports,
    leisure, and hobbies
  • Educational support
    : On/Off line job specialization/
    certification and language
    studies support


  • Birthday and Wedding Anniversary Gifts
    : Gift certificates
  • Family Matters
    : Financial support / days off
  • Holiday Gifts
    : Lunar New Year /
    Chuseok and special holiday presents
  • Celebratory Program
    : Gifts for birth of child / child’s first birthday
  • Child Education Allowance
    : Kindergarten, elementary school,
    junior high school,
    high school tuition allowance
  • Gifts for child’s admission into school
    : Child's Elementary School / Junior High School / High School admission, celebration gift
  • Discount on company products
    : Employee discounts when buying company products


  • Comprehensive Health Checkup
    : Once a year support for health checkup of employee and spouse
  • Support for Medical Expenses
    : Medical expense support for employee, dependent family (spouse, child, immediate parent)

Leisure Activities

  • Refresh Vacation
    : 4 days of summer vacation
  • Long-term employee awards
    : 3, 6, and 9 year sabbatical leave
    with financial support
  • Use of company resorts
    : Membership with Daemyung
    Resort and Hanhwa Resort

Differentiated Benefits Young Toy’s strives for a happy work environment, and aims for a healthy work & life balance by applying differentiated benefits for her employees.

  • Selective Benefits: Young Toy’s operates a benefits card that can selectively be used considering the employee's Needs & Life style.
  • Flexible Working Hours
  • Free Dress Code
  • Shortened Working Hours for New Parents

7F, 8F, 9F, Gomawas B/D(Young toys Inc.), 12, Hannam-daero 11-gil, Yongsan-gu, Seoul, Korea
Email: webmaster@youngtoys.com /Tel : 02-557-8330 Fax : 02-554-6715Copyright ⓒ YOUNGTOYS,INC. All rights reserved.